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“Keep Going, Kiddo” – God

keep going

By: Jana Greene

No matter what circumstance you are facing today, God says push through. No, you cannot do it on your own strength (pushing through is one of the most exhausting actions known to all mankind!) but He will lend you the strength to keep pushing. That circumstance? It is temporal. As you are His, and you are eternal.

That opportunity that you’ve been praying for that has come and now scares the daylights out of you? God says reach for it. He orchestrated the universe to offer it to you. You are His, and it will work to your good as His child called according to his purpose. Either it will be a success that brings you gain, or it will be a success that brings new people into your sphere of influence that you wouldn’t have known any other way – people who might need to see the light and salt only you bring to the world. You are His, and He wants to share your light and salt with the world.

Be encouraged! The Creator of the Universe adores you. You are the apple of His eye – so much so, he sent his Beloved Son for you on this planet of challenge and trial, so that he can call you ‘friend.’

“Keep going, Kiddo. You’ve got this, and I’ve got YOU” – God

5 thoughts on ““Keep Going, Kiddo” – God

  1. Jana, I have been reading your blog for almost a year now, and found many of your thoughts to be helpful and inspiring. Even though I do not have the disease of addiction my son did and I have tried to learn as much as possible about it in hopes I could understand. Losing our son was the most painful, agonizing and spiritual time of my life. This blog really touched me and I thank you for sharing it. God bless. Hugs.


  2. Oh, wow. I am so sorry for the loss of your son. Addiction is such a cunning, baffling disease, and so destructive. I’m so glad that the blog has blessed you in some way, and I’m praying for your this morning – that God will comfort you and manifest to you in some unexpected way of love. God bless you as well. I so appreciate you letting me know that you are a reader….that makes me feel blessed, too.


  3. I often marvel at how long it took me to grasp this seemingly concept of simple perseverance. Well, perseverance + faith really. Faith + the work that goes along with it. For me it took quieting my mind and all of the internal dialogues that kept telling me that the pain of perseverance was evidence that I was on he wrong path. And that I ought to instead, quit, hide, shut down, remain fear-paralyzed, or self-medicate. These were lying voices I later came to learn. They told me any “keep going” efforts would be inconsequential and foolish. So I remained stuck… And drunk.

    This, to me is why fellowship is so important and why God equates isolation to an island. Whether our fellowship is in our faith groups (church, home meetings, etc), 12 step or other recovery groups, online, and/or almost any other healthy environment (for me I find value in all), it is essential to find support to keep going. For me it has been life-changing.


  4. Yes! Sometimes isolating seems like the logical ting to do, doesn’t it? But we were created to be in fellowship. Our fellow 12-steppers, friends, family, prayer buddies remind us to keep going. Finish the race. Thank you for your readership and honest comment. God bless.


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