About Jana Greene

I blog about ALLTHETHINGS – Spiritual Reconstruction, the value of friendship, coping with life on life’s terms, finding humor in everything, and my love of music, art, and animals. Happily married wife and mother to three grown daughters. I love to write.

Copyright ©2022 MusingsofaGypsySoul – All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of content, text or image, in part or in whole is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from the author. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to The Beggar’s Bakery with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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24 thoughts on “About Jana Greene

  1. Is this you, Jana? You’re blogging! You figured out widgets and more. Good for you. I sure hope it’s you because if not, someone’s going to be really confused why I’m talking to Jana on their blog. Lol. Keep writing. You’re good at it!


  2. Hi Jana…. I know we have crossed paths before and I came across your blog again today…. so thought I would stop in and say Hi.

    Our stories bear some similarities and I can relate to much of what you say in this post.

    I too am a believer, but reluctant to use the word Christian at this stage of my life as in my community, it appears to have largely ceased to mean follower of Christ. Wow did that sound judgmental?Hmmmm…. let me try again. I don’t relate much at this time to the perspectives of many who claim loudly to be Jesus’ representatives. There, that was much better.

    I too am sober a number of years and follow a 12 step program. And I do so cautiously as I have found that AA too is often practiced as a religion, even though many claim to be “spiritual, not religious”.

    But whatever. I am sober, sane, and I believe the Bible and that Jesus was who he said he was.

    All the best… and see you on the blogs. I look forward to reading more of your posts.




  3. Hello, Chaz.
    I won’t judge you for judging yourself as judgemental (lol) but I know what you mean. I have been referring to myself as a Christ-follower more and more. We are Christians, very true, but somehow that word has come to mean something different to the world-at-large, it seems. People generally think they know “all about” Christians already, but I think they need to see more “following” of Christ. You know, less of the “trying to bake” and more of simply showing others where we found the bread.
    God bless you and yours, and I’m grateful for your readership!


  4. I am so happy to have found this page today. I just read the I have always had a fondness for writing, (my mother was an unpublished writer) … but never thought that what I had to say or the way that I said it would be of any value to anyone. I have been busy my whole life, as you were, with a multitude of jobs to survive. Now I am out of work and looking for more, hence on-line more than usual. I am at a crossroads in my life and today I am here writing on this page. I couldn’t have predicted this for today while frantically searching for a job. What will the universe unearth for me today? What’s around the next corner? I am eager and hopeful. You inspire me.


  5. Wow! Thank you, Christine! I say – write and write lots. I’ve never regretted writing, but I’ve often regretted the things I haven’t. So many times, I think, “I’ll write about that later,” and I forget (that happens more and more the older I get.) God bless you on your word journey!


  6. Jana
    I just your blog about Phillip Seymour Hoffman was forwarded to me by an AA friend. WOW is all I can say. I have been sober for a very long time and know I am still a drink away from a drunk. I don’t dare forget it. Your story went to the core. Hopefully it will help some to become believers.


  7. God Bless you for what you do and what you contribute to society. You are truly one of the wonderful miracles that God has put in our lives.


  8. I can relate in so many ways… especially regarding the ellipses (ellipises?) and the run-on sentences. Lol. Thank you for carrying the message and I am glad I found you. 🙂


  9. I don’t know how I found you, but glad I did. I am 29 years recovery myself, so we are in the same floating boat. Keep it coming, Peggy, Houston, TX


  10. God has a way of bringing us kindred spirits together, doesn’t He?
    I’m a native Houstonian too. Congrats on your 29 years – That’s amazing!
    Thanks so much for your readership, and God bless you 🙂


  11. I love your humor! It seems we all take Jesus and life….just way too serious these days!!!Your blog is such a blessing. Dunno how I stumbled across it, but I’m trying to figure out how to mark it. I’m praising God that I have found it! Be blessed!


  12. What an absolutely wonderful sentiment, Tracy! Thank you so much for taking the time to read the blog 🙂 Prayers that you are blessed going into this new week!


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