Books · Spiritual

Andy Lee is a Mary like Me


By:  Jana Greene

My friend Andy (who is a girl) published a book a couple of months ago, and I have been meaning to blog about it, but truthfully, I just finished it because I cannot seem to GET IT  TOGETHER and simply read a book in its entirety, even though the author is a DEAR FRIEND.

(A little something for my ADD / OCD would be nice at times, but never mind because I can not and should not be trusted with narcotics, so I suppose I’m stuck with this bockity brain…..)

Anyway, as I was saying, her book is “A Mary Like Me – Flawed yet called” and I highly recommend that you check it out, no matter which end of the Mary – Martha spectrum you fall in.

Also, please note that the venerable Mrs. Lee is an amazing blogstress as well. Check her out at:

Words by Andy Lee

(My review)  CLICK HERE to order “A Mary Like Me” by Andy Lee on Amazon

“Oh how I love Andy Lee. Oh, and her writings – ALL of her writings. Her blog always calls me to glimpse a little piece of her gigantic heart and a lot of Holiness. I especially loved “A Mary Like Me” because it challenged me to take another look at those two biblical sisters (Mary and Martha) and explore their similarities within myself. Andy is a biblical scholar but you nearly forget that when you are reading her work – and I mean that in the BEST possible way. When you are reading “A Mary Like Me,” you are reading the words of a servant. Within the context of the Mary/Martha story, Andy delves into every nuance, opening my eyes to points-of-view that (even as a Rusty Old Christian) I’d never considered before. She sprinkles the book with tales of her own personal journey, which makes it a very relateable read; and includes space after each chapter for journaling, or – and this is where it really gets good – using for a ladies group discussion. I hope to see Mary groups crop up all over the nation, and even verily, unto the ends of the Earth!”